Ultra Marine Jonction d’ancre Flip Swivel

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Code Prix Ex. T.V.A Prix incl. T.V.A.
UFS 6-12 281 € 340,01 €
UFS 8-21 334 € 404,14 €
UFS 10-35 391 € 473,11 €
UFS 13-60 554 € 670,34 €
UFS 16-100 832 € 1 006,72 €
UFS 20-160 1 553 € 1 879,13 €
UFS 26-250 3 811 € 4 611,32 €

Le plus avancé Jonction d’ancre Flip Swivel.

Pivot bien connu, une petite partie dans le système d'ancrage complet, mais grand facteur de succès de l'ensemble du processus d'ancrage. Notre conception unique assure l'absence de dommages de votre bateau, le fonctionnement sûr de l'ancre et la récupération facile sur le rouleau d'arc. Peu importe la marque ou le type d'ancre que vous utilisez, vous pouvez absolument faire confiance à notre conception Ultra Flip Swivel, vous offrant un fonctionnement sans heurt et les résultats attendus.

Comme tous les produits d'Ultra Marine, il a été conçu avec passion, expérience et soin dans les moindres détails, avec des exigences élevées sur les matériaux utilisés. Peu importe nos produits, vous trouverez maintenant ou plus tard, l'Ultra Flip Swivel est un bon début et un investissement relativement faible - avec un tel effet sur quelque chose que vous avez dépensé beaucoup plus.



uma-banner-2L’émerillon articulé est doté de caractéristiques techniques uniques.

L’Ultra Marine Jonction d’ancre Flip Swivel  est unique de par sa fabrication. Il permet de relier l’ancre à la chaîne sans aucun autre accessoire . Fabriqué en acier inoxydable 316 et poli à la main pour un aspect esthétique parfait, l’Ultra Marine Flip Swivel est à la fois extrêmement résistant et mince, et n’exige de ce fait ni goupille ni fil de sécurité . La résistance à la rupture de l’émerillon est généralement plus élevée que la chaîne qui y est attachée et permet une rotation de 30° avec un pivotement complet de 360°.

L’Ultra Marine Jonction d’ancre Flip Swivel  est doté d’une bande de frottement unique qui permet à l’ancre de se placer correctement sur le davier d’ancre. Associé à sa capacité de rotation à 360°, le positionnement et le relevage de l’ancre sont désormais plus faciles et plus sûrs. Les écrous de blocage à tête hexagonale permettent d’éviter d’utiliser des vis sans tête supplémentaires pour fixer les goupilles de l’émerillon.

Corps d'une seule pièce: Fabricated (not cast) one piece body ensures maximum strength. It is suitable to be used with most anchor types.

Tête d'une seule pièce: Fabricated (not cast) one piece swivel head (which includes the semi spherical ball) ensures maximum strength.

Balle semi-sphérique: Self cleaning and allows 360 degree swivel.

Boulons à tête hexagonale: Ensures locking bolt cannot release unintentionally.

TEFLON * Joint torique: Our internal TEFLON O-Ring stops metal friction occurring when under load providing low resistance and smooth operation.

Flip Nub: If the anchor is recovered up-side down the flip nub will assist the anchor to correctly right itself onto the roller.

Coins arrondis: Avoid potential damage to contacted surfaces.

Ouverture de la gorge: The opening is specially suited to the chain size.

Caractéristiques: The swivel chain size and breaking strength is recorded on the rear side of the swivel.

garantie: All Jonction d’ancre Flip Swivel  are supplied with a standard three year warranty.


out-missionNaviguer en respectant la mer, telle est notre passion.

Nous aimons la mer et voulons découvrir la beauté des paysages qu’elle offre. Nous voulons aussi contribuer à la préservation de l’environnement sous-marin unique et ne pas laisser derrière nous des traces de destruction irréversibles, qui se produisent souvent lors du mouillage et de la récupération de l’ancre. Les ancres Ultra Marine et les émerillons articulés sont la preuve de cette volonté. Grâce à leur conception unique, elles garantissent un mouillage rapide, sûr et tout en douceur du bateau, à l’endroit voulu. De par leur fonctionnalité, nos produits contribuent à la protection des fonds marins ainsi que de la faune et de la flore présentes au point de mouillage. Nous sommes engagés en faveur de la protection des océans et des richesses naturelles de la terre.

Plus que les 12 000 clients satisfaits

Will Woodman

Nice and give the market what it wants, but I adore my Shinny Ultra Anchor, and receive many compliments about it. The mud ofthe Saint Johns river slides right off when recovering it unlike my oldgalvanized plow, and the Ultra Anchor sets the first time every time, and has held fast in some serious thunderstorms in both mud and sand.

I do need a replacement for the shock absorber on the bridle,…
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Simon Thomas

Dear Peter,

I attach a few images as promised.

Our first night at anchor with lines to shore proved very windy and rather bumpy at times... and this episode alone justified buying the Ultra Anchor!
Experiences of similar side winds with our previous anchor required us to reset the anchor again and again or move to another location entirely.
I snorkled out the next morning and checked for any…
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David Pope

Dear Gene:

Just want to let you know that the ULTRA Anchor (UA35-70) with the ULTRA Flip swivel (UFS10) and the Articulated ULTRA Bow Roller has performed exceptionally well during our cruise down fromMaine to the Bahamas and back to our home port in Virginia this last winter season. We had the system installed by Maine Cat Inc., during the construction of our Maine Cat P47. We had seen the…
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Roger Huguet

“Buying the ultra anchor again while going through the options list of my boat was the easiest one. We love the anchor and it has been giving my family and me a great peace of mind every time we anchor. I used to dive to check if my anchor was correctly set. No more with the Ultra!”
Sirena 64
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John Celick

The combination of the Ultra-Anchor, your nifty swivel and your chain hook are in danger of making us become over-confident in our anchoring skills.
We've been on the hook every night for the last six weeks in the Gulf of California. We've seen your demonstration that the anchor will reset itself but it has not had to prove that to us. We've been rock solid each and every time that we've gotten…
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Nick Creed, Gunfleet Marine

I keep on relaying my experience with Gunfleet 58/04 (anchored with an ultra anchor) where in 45-50 knots of wind another 40ft boat dragged its anchor which rode up our chain and became jammed in our stem-head. For the next 2 hours there were TWO boat anchored in big and nasty swinging winds, on just ONE Ultra Anchor - if ever I had any doubts that the Ultra was just a beautiful looking peace of…
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Dear Jan,

the new ULTRA anchor is installed and looks great and proud on the bow of our MOTIVA 39 – MOYA – as you can seen in the attached photos.

I am glad to report that it fits perfectly. In the meantime I have seen two other ULTRA anchors on boat nearby…Am I continuing a trend??

We look forward to our first outing next week to test it live, and am confident it will be much better than…
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Joe Candido


I have a 1975 Pearson 35 (13,000 lbs empty). I’ve had the boat for many years and she’s in fantastic condition. We live and sail on Lake Champlain in Vermont. The lake is about 120 miles long which generates 4 - 6’ swells and 20kts + winds pretty often. We’ve always had problems with our 35lbs CQR anchor holding. Most nights are sleepless if the wind is above 15kts. Really I don’t sleep…
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Sertug Alptekin

I can tell you by all my heart that ULTRAnchor is the only anchor which lets me sleep comfortably.
This is the 3. anchor I bought from you and I placed the order even before I took delivery of my new boat like at the previous ones.
I don’t go out of a marina without ULTRAnchor.
I congratulate you once again for this very advanced engineering product.

Bes regards,


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Wreck Creation


It was a pleasure meeting you at the Annapolis sail boat show last week.

We have a 2006 meridian 408 and had purchased your Ultra Anchor from you during the 2014 Annapolis boat show. I am pleased to report after one years use that this was one of the best additions to our boatso far. We have anchored out under not-so-good conditions and this anchor was like a magnet. During the Blue…
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Ciao Giovanni,
come stai?
After the first four weeks (Ionian, Greece), I can tell you that I've been very happy with the anchor so far.
Before that, I had a Rocna, same weight, which partly didn't dig deep enough due to the bow. In smooth sand, this causes the anchor to slip; In the case of sea grass, the anchor collects the grass in front of the bow. Attached is a photo at 10m water depth, sand,…
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Hakan ÖGE

"Finally I have arrived in Gibraltar. Up to now, 90% of the places I have stopped I had the anchor in. Everywhere and every seabed the anchor hold tight at first attempt. I never had to try second time. I reversed the engine and forced repeatedly, the more I pulled the more difficult it became to bring back the anchor, indicating it digs itself deeper. Now I rarely dive to check the anchor and it…
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Dan Seifers

We love our Ultra anchor. We have had it for 7 years and have anchored everywhere from Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Sitka Alaska and Mexico. It has NEVER failed, even in 50 knot winds.
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Thomas Nygaard

Hei venner og kjente med båt!

Det er krise i båtindustrien, underleverandører er i ferd med å gå konk.
Har derfor blitt oppfordret av en av mine til å prøve å hjelpe til med å
skaffe kunder på utradisjonelt vis. (Mail under). Derfor prøver jeg her:

Som dere sikkert/kanskje vet så kjøpte jeg nytt anker til Cheetah ifjor
etter at min Rocna Vulcan 33kg SS brakk i to (!) på Zakhyntos. I all hast…
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David Bock

This is our 2nd year using the Ultra Anchor/Swivel/Grab hook. I was 1st made aware of it where someone recommended the Turkish made Ultra Swivel which is a unique design that rights the anchor as it comes over the roller. We were fortunate enough to be offered the opportunity to trial test an Ultra all summer cruising season last year and after anchoring out all season and not wanting to deal…
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Rondy Dike | it

Cari signori,

Volevo solo farvi sapere che il vostro "Ultra Flip Swivel" funziona davvero bene.
L´ho provato molte volte e adesso mi sento tanto sicuro di lasciare che mia moglie salpi l´ancora.
La semplicità, con la quale ruota l´ancora nella posizione corretta funziona ogni volta.
Ancora una volta grazie per l´ottimo prodotto.
Non vedo l'ora di acquistare una vostra ancora Ultra presso il…
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Alexus Sheppard

We bought our 60 pound Ultra anchor after the Seattle Boat Show this last spring. We have a 42' Nova Sundeck trawler-style motoryacht and are from Alameda, CA. We are just now heading back south from a trip up the coast from San Francisco Bay, through the San Juans, further up through the Canadian Gulf Islands, on up into Princess Louisa Inlet, then on to Desolation Sound, and just recently…
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Egon Allgaeuer

Ankererfahrungen der letzten Monate

Ein Hingucker, 35 verchromte Ankerkilos in einer absolut geilen Form hängen vorne an unserem Trimaran. Zwischen Kette und Anker der kleine, aber hilfreiche, Swivel. Um schwierige Ankersituationen oder Probleme zu lösen, ist auch noch ein Ankerring mit 11 kg an Bord.
Das letzte Mal einen Hafen gesehen hat unser Boot vor ungefähr sechs Wochen. Gelegentlich…
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Andreas Kyanowski

Dear Peter,

thank you for your mail and for the proposal of the Ultra Anchor Ring.

Let me first tell you about my experiences with the Ultra Anchor - together with the Flip Swivel (I attached some photos).
I used it quite often on my way down to Portugal, and each time it immediately grap into the ground with perfect holding. Drop and forget. Never any worries, never bad holding. The Ultra…
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